The European Union‑Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC) held its 18th meeting in Podgorica, under the co-chairmanship of Mr Vladimír BILČÍK, Chairman of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-Montenegro SAPC and of Mr Ivan BRAJOVIĆ, President of the Parliament of Montenegro. It held an exchange of views with:
- Mr Aleksandar Drljević, Chief Negotiator for Montenegro's Accession to the European Union, on behalf of Government of Montenegro;
- Ms Zdravka Bušić, State Secretary for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia,on behalf of the Presidency-in-Office-of the Council of the European Union;
- H.E. Aivo Orav, EU Ambassador, on behalf of the European Commission;
The Committee addressed the following subjects:
- State of play of accession negotiations and EU-Montenegro relations;
- Progress in rule of law, including fundamental rights and freedoms, judiciary reform and the fight against organised crime and corruption;
- Results in and tasks for improving the legislative framework ahead of and following the 2020 parliamentary elections;
- Environmental and climate change challenges;
- The situation of youth in Montenegro with a focus on education skills, unemployment and brain-drain.
Meeting dossier 18th EU-Montenegro SAPC meeting, Podgorica, 25-26 February 2020
Declaration and Recommendations
Press release
Mission report
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP