The European Union - Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC) held its 20th meeting on 2 December 2021 under the co-chairmanship of Mr Aleksa BEČIĆ, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, for the Montenegrin Parliament Delegation and MEP Vladimir BILČIK for the European Parliament Delegation. The meeting was held in Brussels and remotely.
The Committee addressed the following subjects:
- State of play of the accession negotiations and EU‑Montenegro relations in the presence of: Ms Zorka KORDIĆ, Chief Negotiator for EU accession negotiations on behalf of the Government of Montenegro, Mr Gašper DOVŽAN, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia on behalf of the Slovenian Presidency‑in‑Office of the Council of the EU, Ms Michaela MATUELLA, Acting Director for Western Balkans in the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations on behalf of the European Commission and Ms Elsa FENET, Head of Division 'South‑East Europe & Western Balkans' in the European External Action Service
- Discussion on how to foster a national consensus on Montenegro's EU progress.
Meeting dossier
Declaration and Recommendations
Joint Statement of 2 December
Webstreaming - morning session
Webstreaming - afternoon session
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP