"We continuously monitor the political developments in Montenegro and we commend the recent peaceful transitions in line with Montenegro's constitution. We call for the continued respect for democratic processes, norms and standards during these times.
In light of the stalemate during recent weeks, we urge Montenegrin leaders to move swiftly towards forming a new government and electing a new speaker of the Montenegrin Parliament.
Paving the way towards a stable parliamentary majority and moving Montenegro forward on the reform process is of essence; no more time should be lost.
Political inaction limits the country's reform agenda, and consequently, its EU accession ambitions. Montenegro is the most advanced country among the EU candidate countries and already integrated in the North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Montenegro needs a predictable and stable parliamentary majority and a pro-European government that will lead the country to the EU. We will support political decisions that will be based on European standards and respect European values, reflecting the wish and will of citizens. EU membership, after all, is the wish of an overwhelming majority of Montenegro's citizens."
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP